Huddersfield Town vs. Yeovil Town
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V sobotu, myslim ze jasna 1ka bez debatky.
Vcera v pohari Huddersfild prehrali dost nstastne, ked v 2.polcase vyhravali 3:1, ale favorizovany Newcastle o otocil. V lige by mali zabrat domaci naplno.
Domaci manazer po vcerajsku povedal: "I'M A VERY PROUD MANAGER" ...
"Now we have to get back to what's important - the League. It has been great for my players to perform in a fantastic arena like this, but now we have to be positive and take that performance into Saturday.
"The most important thing for me now is Saturday and if we can perform at that level again, we can get the three points we want. A win over Yeovil would take us to an average of two points a game, which has been enough to get you automatic promotion in League One over the last ten years."
Myslim, ze prekladat to netreba, sustredia sa na ligu a ja osobne im verim, ze tohto roku pojdu hore. Naozaj je to futbalove muzstvo, maju pekny stadion a fantasticke publikum.
doterajsie vysledky:
Bristol Rovers Huddersfield 1:0 Huddersfield Brighton 7:1 Huddersfield Southampton 3:1 Southend Huddersfield 2:2 |
Yeovil Leyton 3:3 |
Vsimnite si ako hraje Huddersfield zatial doma, proste nadhera. Verim, ze to bude takto pokracovat.
tip 1 kurz 1,57 7/10
polcas 1 kurz 2,1 4/10
hendikep 0:1 1 kurz 2,55 4/10
vela stastia priatelia !
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