Gornik Leczna-GKS Katowice

Today at 18:00 in £êczna local Górnik will be taking one of front-runners to promotion-GKS Katowice.
Górnik quietly is also thinking about the promotion, however in my opinion today's hosts will finish this season in means of the table.
Guests have great potential. Club from the major city, with many fans which are a great advantage of GKS, and with big budget. Personally guests are much stronger.
Before the season a few very important footballers leaved the team. Among others they walked away: Surdykowski, Bronowicki, Niedziela, Radwañski, and the best competitor of the team-attacker Prejuce Nakoulma. His speed was the greatest advantage of hosts of the today's match. Tactics were entire placed up to him. In place of these competitors were bought new footballers, but with abilities they aren't equaling the ones which walked away.
In the last league queque Gornik £êczna lost on the away with Odra Wodzis³aw 1-2. Odra is a team which is in the big crisis. Odra has big money troubles and she is in the hopeless form.
In both first queues Odra played really disastrously, then came a match with Gornik. Odra showed nothing special, she was playing poorly, but Gornik played even worse. Really the style of the game of hosts of the today's match was awful. Odra led the game game and she has optical majority. Inhabitant of Wodzis³aw ¦l±ski all the time controlled the course of the match. Although Odra played imprecisely and chaotically, Górnik could not advise himself with Odra. Fatally is acquitting herself a defence of Gornik.
In the offensive obviously an idea for the game and the element of surprise are missing. Footballers are playing slowly, a competitor which would pull the team for the contest in heavy moments is missing. Competitors are misaligned tactically, they are playing poorly without the ball, and Gornik has big problems with staying by the ball and with creating goalmouth situations. Fatally are functioning wings. As for counter-attacks in the previous season Gornik could count on the speed of outstanding Nakoulma, but in this season the game in carrying out of the objection today's hosts is looking poorly.
In both earlier queques Gornik played a little bit better than with Odra, but still it was a poor game.
Paluchowski is being placed on the wing as in my opinion is a mistake of coach of Gornik.
In matches at home Gornik isn't certainly a simple rival, however in such a form it will be hard for them to oppose guests which are in the really phenomenal form.
GKS Katowice is one of front-runners for the promotion. Before the season the team became very seriously stronger and what is important-stopped important players in the team. To the team came:Kaliciak, Kowalczyk, Piechniak, Pitry and Chwalibogowski. Kaliciak, Kowalczyk, Piechniak and Pitry at once gained the place in basic composition and they are leading footballers of GKS. Chwalibogowski most often sits down on the substitute's bench, but he often goes up to the court.
Great advantage of today's guests is a coach. Dariusz Fornalak is a great specialist and one can see, that he great sorted out this team. However, as regards results GKS is acquitting himself poorly. After three queues today's guests are having only 2 points in their account. The team didn't still win a match. In the club is starting becoming hot and if today GKS doesn't win, will begin speculations about job of coach Fornalak. Both the coach, and competitors are incredible called up to this meeting.
However style of the game of GKS can appeal.
In the last queque GKS drew at home with Warta Poznan 1-1, however today's guests played in that match phenomenally. Really it was the best match with the participation of GKS, which at any time I could see. With such a game GKS could fight over leading places in Ekstraklasa. GKS had the huge majority and he created many, many shooting situations for himself. Footballers from Katowice all the time led and controlled the game. Today's guests played very wisely, they were able to long stay by the ball at the half of the rival. The team is superbly completed tactically. Today's guests are impressing also with an outstanding physical preparation.
Admittedly in two first queues GKS played more poorly than in the match with Warta, but this team needed the time to get used to playing together and one can see, that now something in this team moved.
Phenomenally had at his disposal goalkeeper of Warta rescued his team. GKS played very fastly, the pace of action really impressed .
Competitors very often played combinative, to one contact. They were able to surprise the rival. Superbly acquitted herself a defence.
In the phenomenal form is Pitry, who was the best competitor of the match with Warta. Coach removed him from the court too quickly. Pitry impressed with the speed and dribblings. He was very active, he played very wisely and he was a driving motor of the entire team. Superbly played also Kaliciak, who is impressing with the speed and the game without the ball.
GKS through about half an hour played with only 10 players, however even in the weakness GKS played really good. Admittedly he didn't create so much goalmouth situations for himself, but he let Warta for nothing.
GKS played phenomenally. And not just anybody was an opponent, because Warta Poznan is really a very reliable team with around a few individuals. Apart from that yesterday Warta crushed £KS-one from front-runners for the promotion.
An effectiveness is an only lack of today's guests, therefore coach Fornalak devoted last trainings to shooting practices. I hope that it will work and GKS will win this meeting.
Both teams will play in the strongest composition.
Personally guests are a team about at least class better. Purpose of GKS is an advance to Ekstraklasa, however after three queues team is having only 2 points in his account. Today is time for breaking. Everyone in the club are very much called up and they expect the first victory in the season.
Before the season many outstanding players came to the team, and this players now are leading footballers and they are deciding about the game of GKS. In two first queues GKS played average, however this team needed the time to get used to playing together. In the last match with Warta everything was very good. GKS played nice, GKS played phenomenally... In such a form GKS could fight with leading teams of Ekstraklasa. Really the style of the game of today's guests was outstanding. A
nd their rival was Warta-very reliable team, which yesterday crushed very strong £KS.
Advanatage of guests is also a coach, who is a real specialist. GKS has on his side also individuals which hosts of the today's match are lacking. GKS has Pitry, who is in phenomenal form. GKS Katowice has also fast Kaliciak, who is also impressing with the form.
Only lack of GKS is an effectiveness, however coach Fornalak ordered shooting trainings on the last trainings and I hope that it will help.
Górnik £êczna before the season lost leading players. Among others phenomenal Nakoulma, up to who was placed entire tactics.
Gornik £êczna is in the hopeless form. In two first queues the team was playing poorly, but a tragedy didn't feel.
However in the last queque the team played disastrously. Gornik lost with Odra, which is in the big crisis. He lost with Odra which in two first queues played really fatally. In the match with Gornik, Odra also played poorly, but Gornik played even worse. Odra all the time led and controlled the game. Gornik played very slowly, chaotically and predictable. An idea for the game was missing.
In such form the Gornik isn't having a chance in the match with GKS.
I think that guests will win this match.
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